All too often, I write resumes for individuals who were taken by surprise at losing their job. But usually warning signs are pretty clear; they are just hard to accept. Please pay attention to the signs and start working right away on your resume—it is always easier to find a job when you still have a job. So what are the warning signs you should look for?
- Other people in your company have been laid off. A previous layoff, particularly if there is also a hiring freeze, is the clearest warning sign that you are at risk of losing your job. After a first layoff, the chances of a second layoff increase.
- Employee turnover is high. Your missing employees are telling you that something is wrong with the company, and they are getting out before the situation worsens. Often the top performers are the first to go. Listen to what their absence is telling you.
- Your direct boss has become less and less visible or approachable. Chances are, the boss does not want to let slip information about the state of the company or how close you are to losing your job.
- No one in management responds to questions about the health of the company, particularly the financial health. If they do respond, they bury you in financial gobbledygook and jargon instead of clear answers.
- No one receives raises—or everyone receives raises except you. In the first case, companies that cannot afford even small raises for top performers probably have financial problems. In the second case, you have a problem; your bosses clearly do not believe you deserve a raise.
- Work is slow—or overwhelming. Either there is no longer enough work to keep everyone busy or the cumulative effect of layoffs and turnover has left you to handle the work of three or four people.
- You yourself have lost any enthusiasm for the work. You are showing by your actions that you are no longer interested in the job, you do not respect your bosses or the company, and you would rather be elsewhere. . When you act like you would rather be gone, you usually will get your wish.
If you see these signs at work and are worried that you are about losing your job, Robin’s Resumes® can help with both career advice and resumes that show off your value to future employers. Let’s get started today.