Robin’s Resumes® is based in Atlanta, Georgia, but I work on resumes for individuals from every region and state. Many of them face geographic challenges: relocation within the United States, high regional unemployment, relocation to another country, and applying to an international company.
Relocation resumes require special consideration because you will be competing with job applicants who already live in the company’s vicinity. As I have mentioned in previous blogs, you should strive to acquire a local address and even a cell phone with a local phone number to give you an edge in finding a job in another location.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the Department of Labor, the jobless rate has fallen in about half of the states and is continuing to fall; that’s great news. But if you live in a region or state with high unemployment, a professional resume writer can help you target your resume toward the healthiest industries in your region.
If you are applying for a position overseas, or if you are moving to the United States from a foreign country, you should know that there are major differences in resumes from country to country. For example, many foreign countries expect a resume to contain a picture or personal information (such as date of birth) which are discouraged or actually prohibited on US resumes. Moreover, clarification may be needed about the meaning of degrees from US institutions versus foreign institutions.
International companies may have teams dispersed over several countries. If you are applying to work at an international company at any level, it helps if you know a foreign language, have traveled to foreign countries, have worked with individuals from different countries, or have worked for another international company. Your experiences and skills may not be deep or broad, but any international background or skill gives your resume a boost.
Please contact Robin’s Resumes® if your job search involves a geographic challenge.