The fear of robotics taking over jobs is a realistic one—it just does not have to be your reality. The robotics industry is a whiz at creating new robots. However, they have a severe problem in recruiting trained robot technicians and operators. All those new robots and no one to make them work and keep them working!
According to the Cognizant Jobs of the Future Index, the demand for robotics technicians has jumped 121% since 2017. Technicians maintain, repair, and develop apps for robots. Robot operators set up, operate, and may also maintain the robot(s) that they control.
Because of the lack of technicians and operators, many colleges now offer mechatronics degrees with an emphasis on robots. The degree blends mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science, and you can get it in just two years. Some robot brands also offer courses in maintenance, repair, set up, and operation of their specific robots, with certification that can be gained in high school or directly after, without a college degree.
When you are ready to create your resume for a job as a robotics technician or robot operator, you will want to highlight:
- Knowledge. Your degree(s) and/or certification(s) are very valuable in this field. They are useful in any state or any industry which uses robots.
- Reliability. If a robot goes down in a manufacturing plant, and you are not there to start it up again, the entire production line stops.
- Attention to detail. Robots are machines, and machines are finicky. You need to keep alert for potential problems as prevention is much less costly than repair.
- Ability to learn. Many industries and tasks use robots. You will need to continue your learning beyond gaining your degree or credentials. You must be willing to learn about your specific robot’s role in your particular company.
- Ability to work in a team. Any experience you have had in school or in other jobs that points to your teamwork should appear on your resume. A robot is just one link in an entire process. You will need to coordinate with many other people to keep that link productive.
As a graduate of MIT, I understand technology and its place in industry. I have helped many highly trained technicians, software engineers, developers, and operations experts find their niche. I’m ready to help you.