When you are deciding about applying to companies for a job, you might want to look at the online company reviews from employees, customers, and candidates. On the one hand, according to an article in the New York Times, only 1.5% of people (15 out of 1000) write any reviews, so you are looking at a small subset of employees, customers, and candidates. On the other hand, most of those people (estimates are up to 85%) write reviews from a genuine impulse to help others with their job search.
Oddly enough, according to a survey by Randstad, only 34% of managers think that online reviews affect recruitment—but 57% of employees refuse to apply to a company with negative reviews. Regardless of your own confidence about reviewers, those online company reviews present a golden opportunity to help your resume. Use online reviews of a company to:
- Find out if the company culture aligns with your own values and interests. Use that insight to describe achievements and experiences in your life that align with that culture. For example, if employees are excited about the training opportunities at the company, your resume would include your experience training and mentoring others.
- Identify areas where your particular expertise might help the company overcome a problem identified by customers, employees, or candidates. However, you do not want the problem to be so vast or so long term that it is clearly beyond solving by one individual.
- Frame your resume to highlight how you contributed to a similar success, one that mirrors what reviewers have identified as major successes of the company. For example, if the company is praised for its customer service, you would want your resume to highlight the results of your own customer service approach.
- Evaluate the recruitment process based on what other candidates say. You might decide that even a long and frustrating recruitment process does not bother you once you know what to expect.
At Robin’s Resumes®, we are not only familiar with the online company reviews but have certifications as a Master Career Director and Certified Electronic Career Coach. Contact us today for a resume that furthers your career at a company you will be proud to join.