We have all become much more sensitive to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Yet gender differences still exist and can influence your job search and career.
Gender influences the traits society values most—and by extension, the careers of men and women. Honesty and morality, professional or financial success, and leadership are the top traits admired in men, according to Pew Research. The same research found that physical attractiveness is the quality most admired in women, closely followed by nurturing and empathy.
It should not be surprising, then, that men are “expected” to be leaders and women to be nurturers. The result of that expectation was very apparent during COVID, when home-schooling affected the careers of women far more than men. A third of women considered leaving the workforce or changing in their careers because of their childcare responsibilities.
McKinsey’s Women in the Workplace study (which celebrated its sixth year in 2020) had some good news about gender: the presence of women in executive positions continues to grow, although it is still far below a 50/50 split. The study also showed that women are more likely to mentor and promote women and to champion gender and racial diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
Despite efforts by companies to embrace the LGBTQ+ community, up to 50% of LGBTQ+ employees still decide to remain closeted at work. LGBTQ+ women, according to another McKinsey report, have even less representation in management than LGBTQ+ men. The barriers to trans people are even higher.
By understanding these gender forces, you have a chance to consider ahead of time how you will handle DEI issues before, during, and after your job search; how you will respond to gender stereotypes; and how you will approach gender and DEI in your resume and interview. Robin’s Resumes® is a proponent of diversity, equity, and inclusion and will work with you to make sure your resume represents you the way you want—while showing hiring managers and recruiters the value you bring to their company.