If you are coming up to graduation in the next year and plan on starting your working career immediately, you may want to ask generous family or friends for the gift of a professionally written resume. If you ask now, your resume will be ready to send out early in the year, so that your career can start as soon as possible after graduation.
Why is a professional resume so important?
- You are facing the huge transition of moving from high school or college to career. You may feel underprepared, over-prepared, or simply overwhelmed. Unlike family, friends, and even teachers, a professional resume writer will give you an objective but experienced viewpoint, as well as freeing you from yet another end-of-school burden.
- You have just spent years trying to figure out what you want to do in life and maybe have come to the conclusion that you still do not know. It is hard to write a resume when you are not sure what career you are aiming at. As a Certified Job and Career Transition Coach and Master Career Director, I can help you focus in on your career objectives—a very necessary part of writing a resume. I also probably know more about potential careers that might match your skills and education, having written thousands of resumes in different fields.
- Unless you are a professional writer, you may find that the mechanics of writing and formatting a resume are daunting. If you are a college graduate, your college’s career departments will help you, but their focus is on preparing a resume suitable for businesses that come to campus to recruit. The resume you need for the wider world is quite different, and you may not have the skills or confidence to write it.
- As a new graduate, you may not realize how to make the most of the experiences, education, and skills you already have. Family, teachers, and friends may not realize how today’s job market operates and where a resume fits in. A professional resume writer knows what hiring managers and recruiters are looking for and how they want it presented.
I have helped new graduates move into many professions, in both technical and nontechnical industries, with for-profits and nonprofits. When family and friends ask what gift you would most like for your graduation, please send them to my website. I look forward to working with you.